It's starting to get really boring. This type of ship is the same as the , but it is purchased with ambrosia instead of goldDaily reward gifts. Erhaltene Likes 2 Beiträge 11. It lasts for 30 minutes times the total number of cities you own. Most images you find on the. This Category lists the different groupings of servers used by WikIkariam. Alliance wars are becoming rare between strong alliances, with large coalitions formed of many alliances in order to keep the peace. The Museum helps your townspeople's happiness increase. The forum can be accessed from the 4th tab of the Diplomacy Advisor. 02. Menelaus-0272. June [] Main article: June updates. May 18th 2023 #6; Not sure about the Level 60 resources being a necessity? I am kind of hoping that not the case. Each server has the same map. Anfänger. Where are the NL players gonna go? I assume that the NL servers will disappear but can someone give us some more information about this. Fejlesztés Szükséges: - Építészet. The Home Secretary can also setup mods, administrator's, etc. Merchants and traders do their business at the Trading post. März 2020. . When we want to upgrade the forest or the mine of the island, we can exchange Ambrosia with wood. Sulphur WP or Sulfur WP can be used for: Training of all military units except for the Unit-ship:Cook, Doctor, Ram, Slinger and Spearman. Add custom markers and categories to visualize locations, items, and more! Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. 27. Καλησπέρα, επανέρχομαι στο θέμα των πόρων (δάσος και αγαθά πολυτελείας ) μετά από όλες αυτές τις αλλαγές που έγιναν στο παιχνίδι και θέλω να ρωτήσω ξανά εάν έχουμε κάπου τα επίπεδα. Il metodo facile veloce e senza conseguenze per fare punti è quello di accumulare denaro e spenderli in navi commerciali, ripeto, NAVI COMMERCIALI per il trasporto di risorse. A Márványt az épületek magasabb szintre fejlesztéséhez használjuk, azonban még jó kereskedelmi cikk is. Stonemason for. GOs should search if these players have the same IP address with the probable bots and or multis. A Forester's House increases the base production in the Saw mill by 2% per level in the town it is built in. +1. The Town hall is a place to go for an overview of your town. Ikariam is a strategy, text/picture based game. Text under CC-BY-SA licenseBelow you can find information on the various Miracles. The Governor's Residence costs as much as the Palace and does not require Bureaucracy nor. Fejlesztések. No research is needed before you can use the Saw mill to gather wood . Likes Received 68 Posts 100. com ikariam | fandom wikikariam, the ikariam wiki, is a community site that anyone can contribute to, discover, share and add your knowledge, about "ikariam" a browser based massively multiplayer online game of the strategy genre produced and maintained by gameforge ag, set in the era of classical greece in an archipelago, with. Hogy kolonizálhass építened kell egy Palotát. A. Find Similar websites like ikariam. Egy medence közel a parthoz ahonnan a vizet szerezzük! Könnyebb lesz majd hajókat építeni és vízre helyezni őket! Egy hatalmas flotta emelkedik majd mely megtanítja az ellenséget a félelemre! Engedélyezi: Hajógyár Építése4. Description: - Ezek az acélóriások félelmet keltenek a csatamezőn, habár csak egyetlen ember kell az irányításához. Δεν είναι απαραίτητο να δώσετε τον λόγο για τον οποίο δεν ταιριάζει. . Game note: Technocracy is especially suited for inquisitive or over productive island kingdoms. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. Se installate Firefox potete installare tanti addons, tool, script che vi permetteranno di migliorare la giocabilità di Ikariam e fare il doppio e il triplo dei punti rispetto ad una giocabilità normale. Ezeket nagykövetségek építésével. 4. Questo non è affatto un attacco ad Internet Explorer della Microsoft® ma solo un consiglio per giocare meglio ad Ikariam. Under your leadership, you can usher in an age of discoveries and prosperity in the browser game Ikariam. Game note: Theocracy is a form of government for island kingdoms with lots of temples, that would like to benefit from miracles. wrong, in help the buildings appear with the research discount, you need to add up that sum and divide it by (100-discounts) Oh, I forgot about the research discounts. However, merchants from far away tend to head for big and well known trading posts! The capacity of your Trading post - i. The number of colonies you can found is limited by the level of your Palace. Οταν και αν υπαρξει κατι νεοτερο επ'αυτου να ειστε σιγουροι οτι θα ανακοινωθει. These doctors have voluntarily enlisted to help tend to the wounds of those on the battle front. Adds a tab that lets. . Az okos szolgálók, akik itt dolgoznak szívesen adnak neked információt a helyi lakosságról. 0. Bureaucrat of ΒικIkariam - the Greek Ikariam wiki. Satisfaction bonus, if the city has a Temple: Maximum population is determined by: Town hall level Research: Well Digging ( Science ) +50 housing spaces. Each miracle can be activated for a period of time. 05) research points. 2016/May. Your soldiers know how to handle swords, spears and catapults and are also able to lead the mightiest war machines safely over the field. Ikariam was. When you first start playing Ikariam research can be a bit confusing, but there is a clear path that is recommended at the start of the game. Find Similar websites like ikariam. WikIkariam Ένα link που περιέχει τα πάντα γύρω από το παιχνίδι (κτήρια, μονάδες, πληροφορίες για νεότερες εκδόσεις κτλ). WikIkariam note: This is the Initial government that you. From a similar discussion that I had in Discord, it seems that in order to have this entry " Improve something in the workshop " in the Daily Tasks list, you have to meet the following: Build at least one workshop. Valamint remek árukat szerezhetsz be itt távoli helyekről. És azt sem feledhetjük el hogy egy jóízű lakoma mindig talpraállítja az embert. Ikacracy is the form of government you begin with. The game was 1st released to the German community before going international. A falat az ellenség. Ikariam Mobile -. Ez kívül tartja a fosztogatókat, esőt és más kellemetlenségeket. Priests live here, paying homage to their God and spreading his word throughout the island. Παράδειγμα: 4 εικόνες στις οποίες είναι 3 κτήρια και ένας…Both the colonies that will be trading resources must have a Trading Port. März 2020. Februar 2020. Here are a couple of recommendations so that piracy scripting can be more easily identified/tackled. WikIkariam notes [] The Ambrosia price to shorten a buildings build time, is based on the base build time. WikIkariam has reached the 500 pages milestone, after moving the server pages from the category name-space to the article / main name-space! Ikariam wikis in other languages We will soon be linked to the following Ikariam wikis in these languages:War. YYYY – 2006 — 2024 – YYYY. Similar Site Search. 46m resources and at max level it's 576 million. 1. A helytartó a kolóniádban garantálja, hogy minden a legnagyobb rendben működik. Description. If this is the case, how fair is this, when. Fejlesztik a katonák és hajók felszerelését az újabbnál újabb találmányaikkal. This means that the total amount of research points per hour must 500 and not 482, as it is now. Birthday. 8%-kal kevesebb fenntartási költség a hajók utánBelow you can find information on the various Miracles. For example, you should use Governor's Residence (with the starting letter of both words to be capitals) instead of Governor's residence, because this is the way it is spelled in-game. Hello, Thank you for the game upgrades, they have certainly added new fun to Ikariam. or all structured data added, from an appropriate infobox . Προτείνουμε μια περίοδο 1 μήνα. Doctors are very useful for restoring the lost hit points of your Human units during battle . At the moment, I have 18 CTs active in this town. Chúng tôi có tất cả là. Male. 11. A unit is a soldier, support person or mechanical device used in land warfare. Don't enter into one unless you're sure you'll have regular access to ikariam all hours of the day. To increase the levels of faith for the miracle, members on the island can donate any resources to the. The good part is that you will have a possibility to choose how the city will look, cause with soo many updates in the past and updates that will come, the initial planning of the city has and will. Occupation. April [] Main article: April updates. Dezember 2022. Most efficient way for max. . Tìm một trang để viết thêm vào. Καλημέρα. Simply. Hajózás: Fedélzeti Fegyverek Hajó Karbantárás Terjeszkedés Idegen Kulturák Szurok Görög Tűz Ellensúly Diplomácia Tenger Térképek Evezőkerék Hajtómű Ágyú Felszeretség Hajózás Jövője. Start by creating a map inspired by a world featured in your favorite fandoms. A land battle will occur in either situation: A pillage mission An occupation mission Battles are broken up into rounds. 1 st [] Main article: April 01. Juli 2023 #6; ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ ΠΟΛΥ ΤΩΡΑ ΕΙΔΑ ΤΟΝ ΠΙΝΑΚΑ ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΑ ,ΟΚ ΤΟ ΚΑΤΑΛΑΒΑ. Tìm một trang để viết thêm vào. The Town Hall of the capital must be of Level 6 or higher. WikIkariam, the Ikariam wiki, is a community site that anyone can contribute to, discover, share and add your knowledge, about "Ikariam" a browser based massively multiplayer online game of the strategy genre produced and maintained by Gameforge AG, set in the era of classical Greece in an archipelago, with players being made ruler of a small. There is a base bonus of +12 happiness per level, and every expansion of your Tavern also allows you to serve more wine Wine to your citizens. . Glassblower for. Game note: Oligarchy as a form of government is especially well suited for trade-orientated island kingdoms. Similar Site Search. The Ambrosia Fountain (found only in the Capital) is neither built nor destroyed & uses to gain more ambrosia. Μετά την εμφάνιση του Lobby, αφαιρέθηκε αυτή η δυνατότητα γιατί δεν μπορεί να την υποστηρίξει (μέχρι στιγμής). A játék működéséhez kapcsolódó szócikkek: Csodák Elégedettség Hadviselés Kemek mukodese Technologiai Fa Város SzintekGood day to all. March [] Main article: Category:March updates. Az alapítható kolóniák számát a Palota szintje korlátozza. Higher level Barracks can train units faster. Sea battles. You must research Expansion ( Seafaring. Administrator of WikIkariam - the English Ikariam wiki. Ο τίτλος του θέματος, νομίζω. Per questo motivo è difficile aumentare il proprio punteggio facendo un’unica cosa, ma vediamo come farli in modo veloce e senza rischi. RED MOUSE. ELENH. A Kolóniáidban. Követelmény: - Szükséges a Robotok kifejlesztése. If your capital is ever occupied, the form of government will switch to Xenocracy. 469. A következőképpen tarthatod a lakosaidat jókedvűen: A Fogadóban felszolgáltathatsz bort. Μην μπαίνετε σε νέους servers. En la nueva version 0. The Aristocracy form of government reduces build times by 20%. Administrator of WikIkariam - the English Ikariam wiki. A raktárépület fejlesztésével növelheted a raktára(i)d kapacitását. 18. 2016/June. Παιδια, παλια που επαιζα το παιχνιδι θυμαμαι υπηρχε ενα ikariam wiki που ειχε απειρες πληροφοριες και οδηγους κλπ. April [] Main article: April updates. Anfänger. Each round lasts 15 minutes, and the battle will only end with one party ending victorious in any of the situations: All of the enemy player's non artillery, air, or support. A raktárépület gondnoka pedig pontosan tudja hogy miből mennyit tárolsz benne. The trading post is the primary place to sell/buy resources from neighbors within range. A helytartó a kolóniádban garantálja, hogy minden a legnagyobb rendben működik. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Szög, iránytű és mérőrúd: Az építésznek az iroda nyújt mindent, amire csak szükség lehet. Természetesen belekeverhetnek az orvosságokba néhány hatóanyagot, például néhány doktor ismerhet olyan keveréket amit bátrabbá teszi a katonáinkat Engedélyezi: Orvosok. Top 60 Similar sites like ikariam. 12. There are ten (10) different forms of government, of which: Eight (8) are Permanent. 8. Város Szintek. I know I can build multiple academy in each town to get more research point, but how about. Higher level Barracks can train units faster. Nagyobb kereskedelmi kikötők gyorsabban pakolják meg a hajókat. One more flag in the ground. So, I've did some calculating and asuming that it'll be possible to build Palace 20 with 5WH and 3 Dumps at max (and max reductors ofc) without using ambrosia, then at current storage capabilities the last level will cost (((5*85)+(3*80*4))*8. Land battles. It is currently, as of May 2, 2012, on version 0. The smart civil servants that work at the town hall, love to give you information about your local population. Instead of making merge servers. Bureaucrat of ΒικIkariam - the Greek Ikariam wiki. Add custom markers and categories to visualize locations, items, and more! Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Δεν υπάρχουν σχόλια: Αποστολή με μήνυμα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου BlogThis!Building a Tavern helps increase the happiness of your town's population. Long ago, like a decade ago, there was a script that was changing the buildings position. Fair enough about the word reiterate. All images on Wikia must be free to use under an appropriate license or used under Fair Use. Each miracle can be activated for a period of time. These materials are fundamental to your town's operation, as they are required to perform almost any action in the game. ikariam. Erhaltene Likes 8 Beiträge 6. 900+ ideas de CODIGOS SAGRADOS en 2021 | códigos sagrados, sagrado. WikIkariam Blogs; Find an Admin; Town Defense. ikariam. (Nếu muốn, bạn có thể luyện tập trước trong Khuông cát (Sandbox). Men ibland kan det vara lite svårt att förstå vad som är poängen med de olika byggnaderna samt vad som krävs för att bygga dom. Bureaucrat of ΒικIkariam - the Greek Ikariam wiki. Építész Irodája. ikariam. Find Similar websites like ikariam. I'm aiming for moderate to higher level discussion, so while that will sometimes require discussing the basics I expect that it will often be over. Apply to Warehouse Associate, Order Picker, Warehouse Worker and more! Welcome to Ikariam! This game can be a bit addictive as events happen in real time, and there's nothing to download. A raktárépület gondnoka pedig pontosan tudja hogy miből mennyit tárolsz benne. ikariam. 1972. 000) 11. Game note: Aristocracy as a form of government is especially suited for island kingdoms with lots of building projects. A bevételed egy kasszába folyik. See what happened in Ikariam in the year 2023 . 22. This version is a complete reworked priority system for armies and fleets in Ikariam. Each unit type has a Minimum Barracks Level: only Barracks upgraded to or past that level can build those units. com ikariam | fandom wikikariam, the ikariam wiki, is a community site that anyone can contribute to, discover, share and add your knowledge, about "ikariam" a browser based massively multiplayer online game of the strategy genre produced and maintained by gameforge ag, set in the era of classical greece in an archipelago, with. Top 62 Similar sites like ikariam. 5 are used. Ahhoz hogy nagyobb szövetséged legyen, fejlesztened kell a nagykövetséget. 4 th [] Main article: March 04. 2023 is/are currently not implemented in the game! You might want to help WikIkariam by updating this information from the Game GF or the Forums GF regularly. wikia. A Kristály az Akadémia fejlesztéséhez szükséges, fejlesztések gyorsítására, Kémek képzésére, és egységek erősítésére használhatjuk a Műhelyben. Similar sites like ikariam. 5. Magyar WikIkariam is a FANDOM Games Community. A játék háttérkörnyezete az ókori Görögországot idézi, ahol a játékos egy birodalom uralkodója. From the benefits of this form of government, the player gets equal amount of research points per hour for each active CT. The concept behind Ikariam is much like Sid Meier's well-known Civilization games. A Câmara Municipal permite que você veja as suas finanças, o limite de guarnição e a capacidade de alojamento de sua cidade, o atual de cidadãos, o seu nível de felicidade, o crescimento populacional, a distribuição de seus cidadãos, como cientistas,Espaços. The warehouse keeper is also always well informed about your resource storage. Các tiêu bản giúp thống nhất văn phong. +2. Jun 13th 2020 #2; Try your luck by writing a comment below the Youtube video they make. Dezember 2022Ιδρυτική Πράξη Συμμαχίας Minoan Empire. Patch 0. Ezeknek a kis mellék dolgoknak nincs jelentőségük a játékban, de megmutatják, hogy civilizálódik a városod. Converts all times into a countdown instead of a still end time. A cselekmény pontot visszakapod az adott akció végeztével. See what happened in Ikariam in the year 2022 . Az utazások sokkal biztonságosabbá válnának ha lejegyezzük hogy merre vannak a zátonyok! Így a tengerészeink nem fognak tartani a víz alatti szikláktól vagy a szirének hívogató dalától. Start by creating a map inspired by a world featured in your favorite fandoms. Ikariam Notebar. Itt vehetsz kereskedelmi hajókat és felkészítheted őket hosszabb utazásokra. Ainda estamos a criar artigos, mas esperamos que possas encontrar respostas às tuas dúvidas. Espionage is NOT shared between cities of the same player. Árusok és kereskedők bonyolítják az üzleteket a kereskedő poszton. Building Information. Az épületek jó része az alacsony szinteken (szerencsére) csak fába kerül, de olyan is van, amelynek felépítéséhez már az első szinten is márványt kell áldoznunk. Facebook; Twitter; Ähnliche Themen. Magyar WikIkariam is a FANDOM Games Community. a Helytartó Székhelye Palotává is alakítható, ha kinevezed az egyik kolóniádat fővárossá. The higher the level, the more citizens can be allocated as workers to gather marble . Create an interactive map. dk reviews. Mar 4th 1970 (53) Gender. Erhaltene Likes 2 Beiträge 11. 400 ideas de Códigos sagrados 111 en 2021 | códigos sagrados, sagrado. Every expansion of your capital 's palace allows you to set up a further colony and the prospect of another luxury good to harvest. As a result of this, no form of Government should affect your ambrosia cost to reduce the build time. Winery / Winegrower for. Here are the islands, with their coordinates, luxury resources, and Wonders. You can help WikIkariam by expanding it. A few days I had a discussion with the members of my alliance. Helping Hands allows you to increase the number of workers by 50% for an added 12. . ANALOSIMOS. 2023 is/are currently not implemented in the game! You might want to help WikIkariam by updating this information from the Game GF or the Forums GF regularly. There is a maximum of 5 levels of faith. Trading does not allow direct transfer of gold from one player to another. Every level of the Carpenter lowers demand for by 1% per expansion (only in the town it is built). Game note: Aristocracy as a form of government is especially suited for island kingdoms with lots of building projects. This building ground, made of solid granite was created by the gods themselves. The game is set during the era of Ancient Greece. Sign in to edit. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. -5% Corruption in all cities. There is always a deal to be made or a bargain to be had. Bureaucrat of ΒικIkariam - the Greek Ikariam wiki. 1 we will be able to crash down buildings. Each round lasts 15 minutes, and the battle will only end with one party ending victorious in any of the situations: All of the enemy player's non. Το μέχρι στιγμής είναι ευχή και προσδοκία και πολύ δύσκολα θα. W. Ez a Kutatások és a Találmányok Palotája. Resources can be stored in ever-increasing amounts in your cities' Warehouses, but any amount over the safe capacity of the warehouse can be. 1971. 1972. Names that are mentioned in-game, such as the titles of buildings, researches, resources, etc. es. 1. ( requires ) Ikariam Plus options that increase the production of resources. A felszolgált bor óránként levonódik a város nyersanyagkészletéből. Quote from Reaver. CHABO. My highest resource is a level 59 mill. h 100%-kal több fejlesztési pontA Márvány egy luxus nyersanyag, mely nélkülözhetetlen az épületek magasabb szintű fejlesztéséhez. The patch was not categorized by any patch number, so we (the WikIkariam Administrators) are calling this version Patch 0. the total number of. Beginner. Battle can refer to one of the following items in Ikariam : Barbarian battles. Languages. Nous éditons actuellement environ 238 articles, et vous pouvez nous aider Pour profiter de toutes les fonctionnalités de ce Wiki, il est conseillé d'utiliser un navigateur (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) récent. Nothing special has occurred in this month. Az első szint 3 diplomáciai pontot ad, minden további szint 1-el növeli a diplomácia pontjaidat. 469. Bem Vindos à Ikariam Wiki Cada um pode editar esta wiki por isso sejam cuidadosos com as vossas alterações. A városfal megvédi a lakosaidat az ellenségekkel és a nappal szemben. Member of Honor alliance on Ny. Egyszerre csak egy fejlesztés lehet folyamatban még akkor. You may also chose to restrict the. Beta. +5% (+. 16. : todas essas ferramentas são autorizadas e estão disponíveis no forum do ikariam, como é meio chato acha-las lá estou disponibilizando nessa lista que já contem todas)WikIkariam was born / created 5 year ago on this day in 2008. A készleteid egy része a raktárépületben van. Similar Site Search. Nomocracy is a form of government ruled by law in which the rulers themselves cannot easily change the laws. Eddigi magyar szerverek: Alpha. 74. The mobile (Apps) division of Gamefoge has been disbanded! The apps, if they still work after the Lobby was added, have very limited. While protected by the wall your Long-Range Fighter, Artillery, and Air units can engage the enemy. org alternatives, wikieducator. A land battle will occur in either situation: A pillage mission An occupation mission Battles are broken up into rounds. 01 and you get the building score. A városfal megvédi a lakosaidat az ellenségekkel és a nappal szemben. Research required: Conservation (Economy). You then must build a Palace. Bureaucrat of ΒικIkariam - the Greek Ikariam wiki. Forester's House for. Ez kívül tartja a fosztogatókat, esőt és más kellemetlenségeket. 5. Languages. Beiträge 4. Ikariam facts. A Helytartó székhelyének fejlesztésével csökkenthető a korrupció. Azt tanácsolja, hogy kössünk egyezséget más népekkel, így talán könnyebben legyőzhetjük az ellenségeinket! Engedélyezi: Hadügyi Egyezmények A legtöbb egyezményhez diplomácia pontokra van szükséged. Alternate language wiki links for Warehouse : de: , fi: , fr: , hu: , nl: , pl: , sr: and sv: A part of your supplies is protected at the Warehouse. Ikariam Notebar. Game note: Nomocracy is a form of government that is especially suited to island kingdoms that have grown quickly and have to establish themselves. Ikariam is a strategy, text/picture based game. 1. Ikariam is a free online real-time strategy game released in 2008 by Gameforge AG. Find Similar websites like ikariam. This will prevent them from leaving your town. Az Egységek képzésénél nélkülözhetetlen, továbbá kell a Palotához és a Helytartó Székhelyéhez. Administrator of WikIkariam - the English Ikariam wiki. _Frixos. Two (2) are Temporary, of which one (1) is Revolutionary. Ikariam Transport Countdown. Or a merge of several countries for interest in the game. A Kénport Katonák és Hajók képzésére használhatjuk. April [] Main article: April updates. April 2023 #7; Version 9. Gazdaság: Megörzés Emelőcsiga Vagyon Szőlőpréselés Gasztronómia Geometria Piac Szabadság Segitő Kezek Vizszint. ikariam. Bureaucrat of ΒικIkariam - the Greek Ikariam wiki. These increases are separate and in addition to the production buildings, for 7 day increments, making the maximum possible increase in production 172%. Rounded below on the whole minutes is in the whole game. Itt találhatsz információt lakosaid, munkásaid, tudósaid számáról, néped kedvéről, anyagi helyzeted és a korrupció. Még használhatjuk Felcser és Búvárhajó. Οδηγίες Στο παιχνίδι αυτό πρέπει να βρείτε την εικόνα που δεν ταιριάζει. WikIkariam notes [] The Ambrosia price to shorten a buildings build time, is based on the base build time. Beiträge. Firefox è molto importante per Ikariam poiché permette facilmente di installare script, addons o tools, in qualsiasi modo vogliate chiamarli. Δεν ταιριάζει η εικόνα Γ. Det finns 6 typer av resurser: guld, trä, vin, marmor, Kristall,kristall och svavel. DarkSoul [GR] The Legend. März 2021 #17; Οταν και αν υπαρξει κατι νεοτερο. Az Ikariam a Gameforge által készített böngésző alapú, más játékosokkal online játszható valós idejű stratégiai játék. Dec 13th 2022 #47; Quote from panos78. Master Org Farmer. Game note: Dictatorship is a form of government from which all military-orientated island kingdoms can profit from in particular. Αποστολή της συμμαχίας είναι η ανάπτυξη και εκπαίδευση. Παιδια, παλια που επαιζα το παιχνιδι θυμαμαι υπηρχε ενα ikariam wiki που ειχε απειρες πληροφοριες και οδηγους κλπ. It is from the company Gameforge AG. Jrooksjr was born 41 years ago on this day in 1970. Mindegy, hogy nyersanyagot, vagy híreket szállítanak: A tengerészeid gondoskodnak róla hogy minden gyorsan és biztonságosan megérkezzen az adott helyre. . A land battle occurs when a player or alliance attacks the town(s) of another player or alliance. You have to wait for the 7-days period of Daily tasks to end. Az elfoglalt polgárok (nyersanyagtermelők, tudósok) nem termelnek aranyat, sőt, a tudósok finanszírozása még 8 aranyába 1 is kerül a városnak. WikIkariam, the Ikariam wiki.